Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Day of Work

Well, it´s friday and so we´re about to start our last day of work. We´ve demolished a house, vastly improved an old house, poured concrete, laid a septic tank for a church, held vbs and lots more. Even more important than the work, though, we´ve made many new relationships especially with the family whose house we´re building and the missionaries whith whom we´re working. Yesterday we handed out vbs T-shirts and just last night, a local youth group holding their retreat at the RMC invited us to join with them in worship.

We´ll be finishing up our part of the projects today, and what we can´t finish will be carried on by those groups who come after us. We´ll also be leaving an offering for the Rural Methodist Center, the El Mirador community, and Brett and Brooke who are missionaries here.

Tomorrow we get to relax! We´ll head to a volcano for a ride through the jungle cannopy, a tour of the volcano, and a dip in the hot springs there. We´re all ready for a chance to unwind and reflect on our service here. At the same time though, we´re going to miss working with the families we´ve grown to know and love. It will be hard to leave our Christian family here.

I´m writing from a different internet cafe today, so unfortunately, I´m not going to be able to upload any pictures, but hopefully, I{ll be able to get a few more up at some point tomorrow, and I will continue to upload pictures after we return.

God Bless!

Your ambassadors in Christ!


  1. Thanks so much for keeping us posted about your activities. We check the blog several times each day. It sounds like you have been doing wonderful things down there. We can't wait to hear all about your mission trip when you get home. Sounds like you are all in for a real adventure tomorrow.Hey Elizabeth and Kyle-we know you have been looking forward to the zip line. Have fun! Take lots of pictures for us to see. Love to all, especially to Donnie, Kathleen, Elizabeth and Kyle. See you at the airport on Sunday. love, Bill and Judy

  2. Thanks so much for the updates love to here from you guys

  3. Have fun and safe travels. We love and miss you all! Hurry home!
