Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Adventure Continues

So, we had to divert to Tallahassee, FL. because of bad weather in ATL. We really don't know how long we'll have to sit here, but we'll be calling sometime tonight when we get through the airport.

Donnie says to tell you that we expect 250 plus waiting for us when we get back to PC - no matter the time ;-)

Thanks for your prayers as we travel. We'll be home soon....hopefully =)


  1. Hi Everyone, Mr. JOnes, Bill and I are waiting to head up to Atlanta when we get the word . Hopefully you will be on your way soon. I am grateful that Delta is so careful with our precious cargo. See you tonight hopefully. love,judy

  2. Guess what? When we looked on line and saw you circling Columbus we went outside and looked up. First we could hear your jet and then we could see it! We waved and hollered up to you. That was so cool. We praise God that you all came home safely, even if it was after 2AM. Love, bill and judy
